Renze Dijkema

Renze Dijkema – Rio Sor, 2024, oil on panel, 21 x 35 cm

Renze Dijkema has been walking along the coast for years. He regularly takes a picture of what is in front of him, what he is walking towards. The horizon in the centre of the picture, the water on the right and the land on the left. These photos, which find their way into photo books and on Instagram, are the basis for the paintings that are on display for the second time in the exhibition.

His walks started on the Dutch Wadden Sea, but he soon expanded his area to the area from Esbjerg in Denmark, to walk all along the European coast. In 2023, he completed his walk around France. Many of the paintings in this exhibition therefore concern the French coast, from Brittany to the Riviera, but regularly Dijkema reverts to earlier parts of his tour to paint the Dutch coast, for example.

From a distance, the paintings themselves look almost like photographs, but those who get closer see that they are actually quite basic and abstracted images. The shapes are tightly rendered, the paint strokes clearly visible. If you distance yourself again, the photorealistic image reappears. Light and atmosphere play an important role. There are sunrises and sunsets, fog, or drizzling days. For those who love the sea, the senses immediately turn on, you smell the salty sand and the sea and hear the rushing of the water.

Instagram Renze Dijkema

Instagram Renze walks the coast

Exhibitions with galerie with tsjalling:

2024 Affordable Art Fair Hamburg

2024 Art Noord VI – Museum Belvédère, Heerenveen
2024 Shimmer – met Marije Bouman
2022 Art Noord IV – Museum Belvédère, Heerenveen
2022 Walks the Coast – solo